2021 bathing season – rules for occupancy and use of beaches
Decree-Law no. 35-A/2021 of 18 May came into force, which creates the exceptional and temporary regime applicable to the occupation and use of beaches, applicable with the necessary adaptations, to the operation of outdoor swimming pools, in the context of the COVID-19 disease pandemic, for the 2021 bathing season.
This decree-law defines the concepts of concession area, large and small beaches, as well as the rules to be complied with, namely:
•the norms and guidelines issued by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS);
• physical safety distance between users when accessing and using the beach and bathing in the sea or river;
• hand hygiene frequently;
•the use of a mask until reaching the beach;
•avoid access to areas identified with high or full occupancy.
The diploma also establishes the duties to which the concessionary entities are subject, namely the duty to inform about the state of occupation at the access to the beaches, through the following color signs:
Green: low occupancy, which corresponds to use up to 50 %;
Yellow: high occupancy, which corresponds to use above 50 % and up to 90 %;
Red: full occupancy, which corresponds to a use greater than 90 %.
When the occupancy of the beach is high or full (i.e., above 50 % of the useful area), it is not allowed to practice sports with two or more people in the area defined for bathing use, except in the case of surf lessons or similar and provided that the maximum capacity of five participants and one instructor and the physical safety distance of one and a half meters between each participant, both on land and at sea, are respected.
Street vending is also allowed on beaches, provided that the hygiene and safety rules and guidelines defined by the health authorities are respected.
The diploma also establishes a system of administrative offences, providing for the imposition of fines in case of non-compliance.
More information at https://dre.pt/…/-/search/163551454/details/maximized…
2021 bathing season – rules for occupancy and use of beaches