The Arbitration Center of the Autonomous University of Lisbon (CAUAL) signed a partnership protocol with the Portuguese Association of Automobile Trade (APDCA).
This protocol aims to provide APDCA members with a series of advantages within the scope of alternative means of conflict resolution.
APDCA members, mostly bank credit intermediaries, by joining CAUAL, comply with the legal obligation to join two arbitration centers. The entities that sell used cars will choose a local arbitration center and CAUAL, the only center that has national territorial competence, thus being able to welcome APDCA members spread throughout the country.
At the signing of the protocol, the Executive Director of CAUAL, Carlos Cardoso, praised APDCA's unprecedented initiative in joining the Arbitration Center, which will greatly contribute to the speedy resolution of conflicts that may arise, at very low cost and with a high degree of customer satisfaction.
Nuno Silva, President of APDCA, highlighted the importance of this protocol and the policy of association with different entities, always with a view to defending the interests of associates and offering very favorable conditions in the use of the different services provided.
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